The term ‘toll‘ is fundamentally interwoven into the fabric of public infrastructure and by extension, civil engineering. Often, when infrastructure is mentioned, roads, bridges and highways immediately spring to mind. This association is not uncorroborated since tolls are paid for the utilization of these public conveniences. However, the scope of infrastructure—and by extension the toll that comes with it—moves beyond roads and bridges to include aspects like housing and more specifically, custom granny flats.
Tolls are traditionally in the form of a fee levied for the maintenance and upkeep of public infrastructure. This fee acts as a significant source of revenue, apart from government spending, which is used to fund the ongoing costs associated with these facilities. In that regard, each user indirectly contributes to the longevity and sustainability of public facilities through the payment of tolls.
However, moving away from roads and bridges, housing infrastructure is another area where the concept of ‘toll‘ applies albeit differently. It may not be in the form of fees per se, but certainly, there are costs entailed such as resources, time, and energy spent on construction, maintenance and modifications.
For an individual, these costs or ‘tolls’ are an important consideration. A clever, efficient, cost-effective yet comfortable solution for accommodating extra family members or earning an additional income through rentals is to explore the concept of custom granny flats. They are self-contained living areas located on the grounds of a family home. While ‘granny flat’ might suggest that it’s designed for elderly parents, they are actually versatile living solutions that can be adapted to a variety of residents ranging from young adults to tenants.
Indeed, granny flats hold impressive potential in the realm of housing infrastructure. First, they can be customized to an individual’s specific needs and preferences, and this customization introduces an element of versatility that’s not commonly found in traditional housing arrangements. Hence the term custom granny flats.
The demand for such housing solutions is on the rise due to the increase in multigenerational living and the desire for independent yet close living arrangements. This is where the importance of understanding the toll comes into play. Building a
custom granny flat
would include necessary costs such as obtaining council approvals, designing, site preparation, construction, and fit-outs which can be considered the ‘toll’ for a custom granny flat.
These costs, however, can be managed with careful planning and smart design. The payoff? The increased property value and potential additional income make this ‘toll’ a worthy investment. It also provides a sense of security, as it allows for close-knit family living arrangements while maintaining privacy and independence.
To conclude, the toll of infrastructure goes beyond monetary compensations for road usage. It extends into the realm of housing and family living arrangements in the form of custom granny flats. While this toll includes the monetary and time investment, the benefits that these flats yield over time make it a worthy consideration for infrastructure expansion at the community and family level.